BIOFREEZE is a cooling pain relief gel that helps chronic pain + sport injury sufferers around the world.

Although BIOFREEZE’s is the prominent pain relief brand in the US, their presence in the UK + Europe was relatively low compared to some of the other brands in the market.

As part of a targeted national campaign we focused on engaging relevant consumers with a sample to illustrate the superior benefits of the product, increase awareness + perception, and drive sales.


BIOFREEZE wanted to focus mainly on engaging with an audience between 25-50, slightly younger than their current consumer as this was the greatest opportunity for growth.

Apart from age, the potential demographics of the audience was broad, with key differentiators around sports use, and chronic pain. Our aim was to target + sample 5,000 units per quarter.

A combination of Digital, CRM + Social tools were used to target and engage the audience precisely based on demographics, likes + interests, and proximity to key stores.


Flavor’s integrated measurement ran throughout the campaign to provide insight on Awareness, Perception, Recommendation, Net Promoter \Score + Sales Uplift.

Flavor. Sampling is an Integrated Sampling Agency. We curate the perfect mix of sampling techniques to deliver optimal results for every campaign. Integrating all elements under one house to drive efficiencies in Targeting, Relevance, Measurement and ROI

We plan, execute & measure sampling campaigns built from a blend of tools, methods and techniques – including the ones mentioned in this blog:)

To find out more about Integrated Sampling or to find out more about this blog, give us a call or drop us an email at the below…


Tel: 07977 148 784