

First established in 1858, and owned by Symington Family Estate, Fells is one of the UK’s leading wine distributors of premium family-owned and produced wine brands.

Fells were looking for an effective way to drive sales, build brand awareness and educate consumers on their Graham’s Port wine prior to the festive period, specifically Graham’s White Port, which is not widely known in the market.


Flavor managed an in-store sampling campaign, giving consumers free taster samples of three different Graham’s Port products from a branded bar set-up.

Cocktail recipe cards were distributed along with the taster samples to give consumers a chance to recreate their own Graham’s White Port concoctions at home.


Flavor targeted John Lewis stores in major towns and cities: London, Kingston and Manchester.

The staffing team on-site at each location included an Event Manager and a Brand Ambassador who offered samples of Graham’s Port to consumers whilst they were shopping, and included a short in-store demo for consumers to get a feel of how to use the different ports.

The team educated the public on the products being sampled whilst encouraging in-store sales.

Flavor ensured that Challenge 25 took place and we only served to those over 18.


Along with the in-store sampling activity, Flavor gathered comments from consumers across the 3 locations:

Flavor. Sampling is an Integrated Sampling Agency. We curate the perfect mix of sampling techniques to deliver optimal results for every campaign. Integrating all elements under one house to drive efficiencies in Targeting, Relevance, Measurement and ROI

We plan, execute & measure sampling campaigns built from a blend of tools, methods and techniques – including the ones mentioned in this blog:)

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