Holy Moly

Holy Moly believe in helping people eat better by making great tasting dips without the nasties, using plant-based and gluten-free ingredients. Holy Moly are putting the convenience in ‘Shop-bought’ dips without compromising on taste – it’s as good as homemade!
Holy Moly were looking to create a highly effective and engaging mass-sampling campaign to capture the attention of their target audience by embodying the narrative of a creative concept – ‘Finest Colombian Export’. Alongside the campaign, they were looking to drive buzz around social platforms and encourage purchases post-trial.

The Holy Moly audience consists of time poor, health conscious consumers with an interest in fitness, veganism and clean-eating. The majority of their audience are female within the 25-40 age bracket, with their top selling area in London.
A combination of profiling tools, TGI, Acorn and proprietary data had been used to identify hot-spots of the Holy Moly audience in London, to target them on a large scale, whilst also ensuring there is minimal audience wastage.
Flavor had also mapped out high footfall areas near Sainsbury’s stores where the product can be directly purchased, to encourage post-trial sales.

Across a 7 day campaign, a total of 15,501 samples were distributed across London, targeting consumers near festivals and offering consumers a free Guacamole sample with chips. The samples were also handed out with a voucher by characterful Brand Ambassadors referred to as ‘Guac Dealers’.
Using the creative concept of ‘Columbia’s Finest Export’, Flavor created a Guerilla Sampling campaign that visited multiple sites in one day making sure the right locations with the highest footfall were utilised. Across the festivals and events happening in London, Flavor were able to target the ideal consumers.
Using the van as a nod to trafficking vehicles – and a hub for suspicious ‘Brand Ambassadors/Guac Dealers’, Flavor were able to distribute samples in a way that created a buzz and added a touch of theatricality, which further encouraged purchases post-campaign.
Flavor ran in depth measurement throughout the campaign to provide insight on awareness, perception, recommendation, net promoter score + sales uplift:
- Net Promoter Score of +35
- Over 78% of consumers from each channel rated the product at least an 8 out of 10. The average product rating was 8.37, meaning the majority of people who tried the product enjoyed it
- 69% likelihood to purchase
- 62% have recommended Holy Moly
Flavor. Sampling is an Integrated Sampling Agency. We curate the perfect mix of sampling techniques to deliver optimal results for every campaign. Integrating all elements under one house to drive efficiencies in Targeting, Relevance, Measurement and ROI
We plan, execute & measure sampling campaigns built from a blend of tools, methods and techniques – including the ones mentioned in this blog:)
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